Author Interview Uvi Poznansky


It my pleasure to introduce, Uvi Poznansky, a USA TODAY, award-winning author. I’ve known Uvi since 2017, at which time she graciously invited me to interview with her as a debut author. Not only is Uvi a multi-talented artist, she actively supports other authors and hosts events with them.

Below is Uvi Poznansky’s biography, author interview, and contact information. Be sure to check out Uvi’s website and learn more about her projects and her collaborative opportunities with other authors.

Uvi Poznansky, Award-winning Author


Uvi Poznansky is a USA TODAY bestselling, award-winning author, poet and artist. “I paint with my pen,” she says, “and write with my paintbrush.”  She writes across a variety of genres: literary fiction, historical fiction, romance, romantic suspense, spy thrillers, techno-thrillers, biblical fiction, poetry, horror, and children’s books.

Author Interview

Would you provide an overview of the Ash Suspense Thrillers with elements of suspense and romance? What was your inspiration for writing Book 2: Virtually Lace in the series? 

I wrote Virtually Lace some years back and set it aside, because at the time I was too busy working as a computer scientist, raising a family, and developing my art. Set in the breath-taking scenery of Laguna Beach, the story addressed a simple question that occurred to me: As I walk at the beach at sunset, what would happen if I stumble across a body? Could I reproduce the events leading up to the murder using software? Could I pinpoint who the killer might be? And so, I opened with the words of my protagonist:

Even before Michael spotted the body, the idea of creating a simulation of the scene occurred to him. At sunset, the panoramic view of Laguna Beach was awe-inspiring. He wondered if he could render it convincingly in his model, the virtual reality model which he had been developing in the back of his garage for months, until the recent acquisition of his software by a military ops company. 

Could beauty be taken apart without loss of emotional impact? Could its data be synthesized, somehow, into a lifelike experience? In short, could he apply his analytical skills to fool his own senses?

Virtually Lace Book Cover

Interestingly, book 1 in the series came later. In the process of updating the story for publication last year, i became very engaged with the character of Ash (Michael’s love interest) and she compelled me to explore what happened to her six months earlier. Hence, Coma Confidential.

Please provide an overview of your newest release?

Haunted by the memory of Lace, a beautiful dancer whose throat has been slit, Michael sets out to create a virtual reality simulation of her murder. Can he bring the mystery to life? Can he solve its clues in time, before the killer turns on the woman he loves, Ashley?

Suffering memory loss due to a horrific incident in her own past, Ash is unable to identify her attacker. Despite the persistent fear, she puts her life in danger. In a nail-biting twist, she draws out the man who killed Lace, so as to avenge her murder.

Meanwhile, the cops treat Michael as their prime suspect for the crime. The only reason they haven’t arrested him yet is an urgent call for their assistance in a rescue, as Laguna Beach is engulfed in flames. On his way back to the murder scene, will Michael manage to slip away from them and save his sweetheart, before it’s too late? And will he get the murderer?

What genres do you write?

As an artist create art in several mediums: I paint in ink, watercolor, and oil. I create sculptures in clay, paper, and bronze. So by the same token, as an author I write in several genres, always seeking to stretch the envelope. Even though my books can be categorized as different genres, I see all of them as literary fiction, because they are written through the eyes of the main character, and when you read them you will, in many ways, find a reflection of yourself.

Each of my three series is unique and different from the others: Still Life with Memories (the story of a family told in the 1980s and in WWII US, France, and London); The David Chronicles (about the youth, prime of life, and old age of one of the most fascinating characters in the history of ancient Israel); and Ash Suspense Thrillers with a Dash of Romance. I also wrote and illustrated children books, and created animations for them, one of which you can see HERE.

In addition to being an author, you have quite an interesting background in which you’ve been an architect, a software engineer, and an artist. How has your background influenced your writing?

Oh thank you Linnea for noticing! Like many of us, I have had a checkered past, so to speak… I earned my M.A. in Architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and my M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan, then worked at Philips Ultrasound developing software for medical devices. I think the diversity of my experiences allows me to derive ideas from a variety of sources and to view the world from many angles, which is important when I get into the skin of one of my characters and hop over to the skin of another one, finding the contrast between them and recording it in their dialogue.

How often do your characters surprise you by doing or saying something totally unexpected?

It happens quite often, because each character has a voice that I cannot control, and when they take over, watch out… Especially when they find themselves in dangerous situations and unfamiliar settings… I enjoy setting up an impossible obstacle and watch how my characters go through, under, or over it. For example, in Coma Confidential my protagonist Ash wakes up in the hospital. Diagnosed with coma and unable to move, how will she find a way to walk out of there?

What are the most important traits you look for in a friend?

Honesty on one hand, and support–especially in times of trouble–on the other.

If you could have one skill that you don’t currently have, what would it be?

Singing. Alas, I can’t sing to save my life… Which is why I so enjoy listening to voices, to the music and tenor of great voice actors.

What simple pleasure makes you smile?

Just the thought of chocolate… Dark one, at that!

You can contact Uvi Pozansky at and learn more about her books:








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